For most of us parenting is a mystery.

We bring forth a new life filled with promise.

Then, along with the joys of raising our children, we face a new set of challenges at each stage of their development.

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With little understanding or training, we find ourselves ‘flying by the seat of our pants’. We scream, get into power struggles, and disconnect ourselves from the relationship in order to find a few moments of peace. Or, we overcompensate. Ever find yourself picking up after your children because you’re tired of battling with them?

Over time we either give up or give in!

None of these give us what we really want: connection, cooperation, calm.

Now, you can relax, because, there is hope, there is a better way.

What I offer you are ways to gain insight, strategies and techniques. You’ll learn how to use them, when to use them and what to say, and be transformed into the parent you really want to be.

You will learn to:

1.     Discipline Without Yelling, Nagging or Spanking

No matter how much you yell and nag the kids don’t listen. Effective discipline doesn’t ever have to include yelling, nagging or spanking.  Learn powerful strategies that respect both you and your children and teach self-discipline.

2.     Deal Effectively with Sibling Rivalry

Once we learn the causes of sibling rivalry we can better learn to curb it. Managed and positively directed rivalry can produce valuable lifelong lessons.

3.     Maintain Your Life and Be a Better Parent

Since having children do you feel like you no longer have a life and are struggling to find your identity?   Learn how having a life of your own actually makes you a better parent

4.     Manage Stress and be the Cool Calm Parent Your Children Need You to Be

Parenting requires us to multitask on a daily basis adding to the normal stress we already face. We can feel under rested and overwhelmed with all we have to do. Realize cooperation and family connection when you learn to prioritize and manage stress.

5.    Cope with Your Child’s Negative Feelings

Frustration, disappointment, anger are all natural responses to challenging situations at any age. Giving your child an emotional vocabulary and skills for handling difficult emotions gives them the tools they need for now and later.

6.     Set Firm Limits and Maintain Goodwill

Children are yearning for guidance. They want to know what is acceptable in their world. Your goal is to foster and develop your children’s inner self-control. Limits help your child feel safe and secure.

7.      Learn How To Deal With Blended Family Issues

Step parenting presents its own set of challenges. Get tips and guidance for easing through the transition, bonding with stepchildren, and dealing with common challenges.

8.     End Single Parent Isolation

Parenthood can be downright overwhelming. Taking on so many roles means single parents need more supportive resources and effective strategies than any other group of parents.

In addition to the larger issues we will look at daily challenges such as:

  • Morning routines – Kids that dawdle and struggle to get out the door on time.
  • Bedtime and Sleep issues – Do you need sleepy-time solutions to get them into bed and to stay there all night long?
  • Back Talk – Snippy teens can be annoying. You can teach them the communication skills they need now and for their futures.
  • Not listening – is a silent message children send. There are ways to address their needs and eliminate the silent treatment.
  • Power Struggles – Children are constantly being told what they can and cannot do. It is natural for them to try to claim some control. You can defuse the emotional intensity and teach your child about choices at the same time.
  • Sibling Rivalry– Do you feel like a referee most of the time? There are solutions to this common problem that really work!
  • Tantrums – Toddler to teen, later or in between; we all have tantrums when we are frustrated or overwhelmed. Learn to tame the tantrums without losing your cool.
  • Whining – Like hearing chalk squeak on a blackboard- we’d all do just about anything to make it go away. You can wean them off the whining for good.


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