The Inspired Muse

About The Inspired Muse

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So far The Inspired Muse has created 29 entries.

The Procrastination Remedy Workshop is back!

The Procrastination Remedy
4-week workshop
Thursday evenings, January 9, 16, 23, and 30th
6:30 – 8 PM
Cost $150
with Life and Relationship Coach Carol Baxter

Procrastination. We all do it. We start with great intentions only to see our
resolve quickly disintegrate. What would you accomplish, how much pressure,
anxiety and stress would you eliminate from your life if you could cure yourself of
Stop the self- recrimination, blaming and shaming! The truth is – IT’S NOT YOUR
Stop Putting Life Off. Learn the new brain science and skills that give you
Increased Energy, Dramatically Reduces Stress and Gets You

To register or for more information contact Carol at (772) 359-8924

New Year’s Blessings

I hope you’ve been enjoying your holiday season with your friends and loved ones. It’s easy to get lost in the hubbub of excitement, travel, holiday meals and family gatherings. It’s a joyous time, and it often leads to the excitement and exhaustion of met and unmet expectations.
So as 2017 comes to a close and you begin to look forward to all that 2018 has to offer, it’s the perfect time to take stock of where you are. To look back at how far you’ve come. And to create a vision for the future.

What do you want 2018 to hold?

While you meditate this week, begin to envision what you wish to bring into your life this year. It is all open for you. And if you need any assistance in developing your vision or creating a step by step path to achieving your goals, I am here to help. I look forward to speaking with you.

Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude

“When I look back on the suffering in my life, this may sound really strange, but I see it now as a gift. I would have never asked for it for a second. I hated it while it was happening and I protested as loudly as I could, but suffering happened anyway. Now, in retrospect I see the way in which it deepened my being immeasurably.”

~Ram Dass
Thanksgiving means many things to many people. For many, it is a time to gather with loved ones, break bread together and connect. And while there is much to be thankful for on Thanksgiving, holidays can also bring up memories of sore spots, missed opportunities, and old hurts.

Is there a way to marry these two versions of the same holiday? To appreciate where you’ve come from, even (and especially) the painful parts as gifts to be grateful for, while still feeling grateful, heart-filled, and open to the blessings of future.

Each of you has traveled a long, winding road to get to where you are today, and with each hard time you have found your way through and come out on the other side of, you have gained strength.

Take a moment to look back at your life. Connect to your breath. Let your in breath linger slower and longer. Feel it fill and support you. Breathe out, and let your out breath empty you of any stress or fear. Continue to breathe and think of a time in the past that you faced a difficulty. Let yourself connect to the feelings that the memory brings, continuing to breathe in and out allowing the in breath to support you and the out breath to dispel any residual fear and stress. Now let your mind slide to the other side of that experience, once a resolution had been found and you found a peace within yourself again. While you breathe let your mind bubble with the feeling of relief. Let it carry with it remembrances of any deeper self-awarenesses or understandings that the resolution brought with it. What gifts or lessons, deeper strengths, clarity, and abilities did it teach you?

The lessons we have learned along the way have shaped the people we are now.  There is a gift in everything and everyone that comes into our lives.

So this year, when you gather with friends and loved ones, take a moment to look around you and remember that you are supported and you are loved. Remember that the experiences you go through, and any difficulties you may be facing right now carry gifts and add meaning. Allow yourself the opportunity to bask in the connectedness of those around you and to feel the support of the universe.

Gratitude comes in many packages. Remember to give thanks for all that life offers. Let it guide you to gratitude and then to love, kindness and caring. And then remember to pay it forward.

Wishing you love, light, and connection on Thanksgiving and always.

10 Habits of Successful Relationships

Free Talk @
The Port St Lucie
Nutrition Smart

9/20/17 at 6:30 PM

Did you know:
Good communication is the key to a healthy relationship, but most of us weren’t given relationship 101 skills in school.

So often in my practice, I see people falling back on old unproductive behaviors then wondering why they don’t get what they really want or need from their relationships. Often it just takes a little attention and a few tweaks to what they’re already doing to get very different results.

Imagine what it would feel like to create the relationship you desire.

Join me for this free talk. And learn, how to turn these key skills into consistent relationship habits.

Give your relationship every opportunity for success and everlasting love.


Hope to see you then!
~ Rev Carol

The First Key to Solving Relationship Drama

The First Key

The First Key to solving your relationship problems is to recognize them. Of course, this seems self-evident. Relationship issues stare us in the face all of the time. Perhaps it’s the cold shoulder, the lack of warmth, touch or simple conversation. Does one of you nag while the other slips away from important conversations?  It’s hard to escape seeing these issues.

Yet, I’m reminded of a couple who were always bickering. Nothing he said was right, nothing she did was good enough. They even argued over what kind of toilet paper to get and which way to put it on the toilet paper roll; up or down.

They just couldn’t get along at all. Seems like it was always that way. But it wasn’t.

A few years back he, Mort, had an affair. It lasted several years before Sheila, his wife found out. Not wanting to destroy their family he decided to end the affair -she decided to stay in the marriage. They both wanted to make it work.

Believing that she was ‘doing the right thing’ she decided to forgive him. Unfortunately, that meant that she did not have a chance to fully feel and release all the emotions involved in a betrayal of trust; they did not have an opportunity to find out what went wrong between them that influenced the affair and she did not feel heard by him, missing out on the heart to heart connection that is absolutely essential in creating trust in a thriving and exciting marriage. He missed out on her authentic forgiveness and a deeper understanding of why he fell into an affair.

All that hurt, pain and confusion kept seeping out anyway in anger, impatience, and in emotional and physical distancing. What they didn’t realize is that Forgiveness is the end result of a process over time, not a moral high ground we can reach in a moment. That can only happen through awareness, not avoidance.


If this reminds you of a difficulty within your relationship, know that it can be transformed, connection restored, and intimacy regained. With ‘The Relationship Rescue System’ couples report that they’re falling in love again.


“Working with Carol has saved me, and as a result has restored the love and acceptance to my marriage of 33 years. She has a calming presence about her that creates a space safe for emotional
vulnerability that sets the stage for powerful healing. She is like the Mom you always wished you had- someone who makes you comfortable enough to admit what you are doing to undermine your relationships, and who offers a gentle suggestion or two on how you might approach things differently. She uses story, dialog, skill building and probing questions, she challenges perspectives and bares her own vulnerabilities to lead you on a path of self-discovery- all at a pace that doesn’t feel threatening.”
– Tanya P.

To rescue your relationship or find answers to vital questions such as, “Can this relationship be saved?” call Rev Carol Baxter today, (772) 359-8924.

Wishing you the best in love and life,
~ Rev Carol

How to Show You Care

Flowers! Lovely. Chocolates! Delicious. Presence! Perfect.

Creating developing and sustaining healthy relationships takes a practice: the consistent, continuous activity of our conscious desire: our PRESENCE.

Flowers, candy, jewelry gifts of every kind are ways we materially ‘show’ our loved one that they are special and how much we care for them. While these are thoroughly enjoyable gestures of affection, they can’t replace being emotional attuned to our partner/spouse.

Presence has a remarkably profound influence on the relationship yet is amazingly simple. One way to be present is to listen with curiosity and compassion. This means just that … just listen. Active listening does not happen when you are trying to fix, explain, cajole, or analyze. There are times when no magic words, or practical solutions will help.

Active listening happens and offers up the gift of our presence when we make eye contact, let ourselves be immersed in our lover’s words, express in actions, like authentic empathic nods and words that reflect back our partners’ feelings so that they can see that we are listening and truly care.

We all want to be seen and heard. It is in our closest relationships where we seek the comfort of being accepted and understood. The welcoming safety of this kind of relationship let’s us be our most open and vulnerable selves. When we’re attentively heard we feel less alone in our struggles and more deeply feel our joys when they are shared at this degree of emotional attunement.

Self Inquiry:

  • How can you be more emotionally present for your spouse/partner?
  • What are your blocks to deepening your emotional presence for your partner?
  • How do you need your partner to be emotionally present for you?

Happy Valentine’s Day,

♥ Rev Carol

By |February 13th, 2017|Romance|0 Comments|

Don’t Let “The Shoulds” Keep You Down

Here’s a video perfect for after the holidays, or any time of year really.

It is so easy to get wrapped up in that we think we should do. Our inner dialog can make us feel heavy and bombarded, if we let it.


You’d be surprised at how your inner dialog can motivate and inspire you. Check out some tips on paying attention to what you say.

What’s Your Theme for 2017!

After a week of delightful family visits, great (read that as ‘heavy’) delicious holiday meals and almost no exercise my tired body yearned to do some stretching today. It would have been too easy to say… “Oh, no, I’m too tired/stiff/sore/busy cleaning up after…”( just fill in your go to excuse). But I made a commitment to myself to listen to my highest wisdom and pay attention to the calls of this body. Soo now that I’ve finished about 20 minutes on the yoga mat I do feel better. Actually much better. Not as groggy or hazy, and more alert, breathing better. My body feels lighter and my eyes are open wider. Ahh, feeling more presence.

My question for you, my dear friends, this New Years Eve is:

What do you commit to doing for yourself in the New Year? How will you STRETCH yourself in 2017? It may be trying something new, fixing something old ( an existing relationship/ changing careers or refining an existing job/ checking on those parenting skills/ becoming healthier and happier).

The best commitments are the ones that go to the essence of what you desire to transform. Instead of saying I would like to lose 10 pounds it is actually more effective to affirm that, “I am healthier, leaner, and at my perfect weight.” There it is. Isn’t that what you really want? So, ask yourself, what is the feeling I want? What is the experience I’m looking for? Then listen to your wisdom and act on that!

Wishing you a Happy…Healthy…Joy Filled 2017!!!

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    Bring Peace and Love to Your Relationship This Holiday Season

Bring Peace and Love to Your Relationship This Holiday Season

We’re in the home stretch now with only days until Christmas.

You may be part of a couple that glides through the holidays, skating past holiday stresses.
If not, then you’re like the rest of us still scrambling to make those last minute plans and arguing with your partner/spouse about whose house to go to and how much to spend.
Depending on how we experience them, the holidays can bring you and your loved one together or be a thing that can tear you apart.

This is when Christmas joy turns to Christmas STRESS.

Yet there’s hope!

Here are some tips for how to stress less and make this holiday season one of coming together in peace and love.

However important this holiday is to you, it will come and go.
Ask yourself: What is more, or even most important to me? What is the one part of your life that you wish to maintain and nurture?
Hopefully you’ve responded with a resounding- Why, it’s my relationship of course!
(If not then this trying time of the year may have exacerbated or highlighted some areas of struggle in your relationship that need attention and professional support.)

As big as this season is it is just one experience of many the two of you will have throughout the year. That means you have lots of opportunities to share, cooperate, negotiate, communicate, brainstorm and lean in towards one another.
You’ve probably discovered that fighting doesn’t get you what you want. Or if you’ve managed to get your way through ‘winning’ you’ve lost much more- bits of the connection and affection you have for one another. Fighting just erodes the love and never gets the issues resolved.
A few years ago the movie, Jingle All the Way, was released. The father, played by Arnold Schwarzeneger, tries to juggle all of his responsibilities on Christmas Eve, only to find himself extremely over-committed. His overwhelm just about costs him his family. Now because this is movieland fiction the resolution was pure fantasy. Not something we have available to us in real life. Nor would we really want a magical solution? Of course you ‘re tempted to say yes. But remember, even though Arnold’s intentions were sincere, he wanted to create a ‘memorable’ Christmas, he had one big problem, which was that he had not come to an enthusiastic agreement with his wife about how ‘they’ would create this experience.
The stresses of Christmas demonstrated the weak spots in Arnold’s marriage. For him it was the way he went about making decisions. He did not consider his wife’s feelings as part of his plan. She was already emotionally isolated from him and the Christmas season only made her feel more ignored and added to her growing resentment of the way he single-mindedly maneuvered through their marriage. This brings us to our next tip.

One of the bedrocks of a strong relationship is looking for ways to give our beloved enough of what s/he wants and finding enough new mutually agreeable and delightful ways of enjoying experiences together. We tend to look at disagreements as troublesome in a relationship. But, in fact disagreements help us challenge some long held beliefs or unproductive personal patterns. It is the energy of transformation, positive change and growth. Disagreements are inevitable and -dare I say it- necessary for the relationship to thrive. Without them the fire of romance can fade, with them, when understood and managed positively, they reignite, excite and rekindle the flame.


Give these four tips a try next time you make a holiday decision:

  1. Set ground rules to make negotiations pleasant and enjoyable. Go into the discussion with an open and curious mind. This is about discovering more about your mate, reaching new levels of understanding and finding satisfying ways to resolve issues. Agree to be non judgmental of each other’s ideas and opinions. You want to create an atmosphere of acceptance and respect for your differences. If you reach an impasse agree to get back to the discussion later.
  2. Identify the issue in question and understand each other’s perspective. Make sure you understand each other. Ask questions rather than assume you know what the other person means. Can you reiterate or rephrase what they said accurately. If not let them explain further. Remember what you both want and why you want it!
  3. Brainstorm with abandon. Spend some time thinking of all sorts of ways to resolve the differences and don’t correct each other when you hear of an idea that you don’t like or understand. In fact brainstorming is a great opportunity to get as imaginative as you can. You never know where a great idea can come from. You’ll have a chance to eliminate undesirable possibilities during the fourth step. Write down every suggestion. If you give your intelligence a chance to flex its muscle, you will have a long list of possibilities.
  4. Choose the solution that is appealing to both of you. From your list of solutions, some will satisfy only one of you but not both. However, scattered within the list will be solutions that both of you would find attractive, and some that will inspire a new idea.  Among those solutions that are mutually satisfactory, select the one or those that you both like the most. If none of them meet with your enthusiastic agreement, take some time out then go back to step 3 and continue to brainstorm. Get creative, be expansive . You may decide to give each other a holiday of choice. Which holiday is most important to you, which is most important to me. Or take turns creating a holiday experience. You may decide to find mutual ways to enjoy the holiday together creating new routines and rituals that appeal to you both.
Just remember that your bond is unique and the two of you get to create a relationship that works for you.

Happy Holiday!


Shared Challenges

It’s the day after Hurricane Matthew. Aside from a little cleanup all that’s left to remind us of Matthew is the occasional whooo of the wind coming from the last little bands of this weather system.

The Scooby Doo haunted house sound reminds me of the way our neighbors and even strangers have reached out to one another in the face of imminent danger. The conversations struck up in line at the grocers while stocking up on canned goods. The infinite patience people suddenly had while waiting in even longer lines for gas or water. One neighbor helping another put up hurricane shutters. We are an independent sort yet the challenges we share catapult us over the walls of our social and religious differences, the details of our lives, our political opinions and affiliations and into the realm of the heart were we experience deep caring and concern for one another.

As human beings we all want the same things for ourselves and our loved ones, safety, happiness…we share the same processes of securing these things. In the case of a possible hurricane we all had the same set of preparations to walk through; shoring up our homes, stocking up on food , batteries, flashlights, water…deciding whether to leave or stay, worrying about loved ones. Our nerves tingled with the same nervous anticipation. Up front and center were our shared concerns.

Standing in those lines we saw each other’s heart’s .
Isn’t it true that all of our challenges are shared challenges?
We will all go through the same experiences. Perhaps in different ways or at different times. Yet, In essence all of our challenges are shared challenges.

We continue to watch the weather station today as this hurricane makes it’s way up the coast, not out of idle curiosity but from a deep concern for our neighbors, those down the block, in our communities and those miles and miles up the road.
Let this remind us that we are not alone. Reach out – you do not need to go through this alone. (whatever ‘this’ might be in your life right now.) There are those who care.