
The Procrastination Remedy Workshop is back!

The Procrastination Remedy
4-week workshop
Thursday evenings, January 9, 16, 23, and 30th
6:30 – 8 PM
Cost $150
with Life and Relationship Coach Carol Baxter

Procrastination. We all do it. We start with great intentions only to see our
resolve quickly disintegrate. What would you accomplish, how much pressure,
anxiety and stress would you eliminate from your life if you could cure yourself of
Stop the self- recrimination, blaming and shaming! The truth is – IT’S NOT YOUR
Stop Putting Life Off. Learn the new brain science and skills that give you
Increased Energy, Dramatically Reduces Stress and Gets You

To register or for more information contact Carol at (772) 359-8924


Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude

“When I look back on the suffering in my life, this may sound really strange, but I see it now as a gift. I would have never asked for it for a second. I hated it while it was happening and I protested as loudly as I could, but suffering happened anyway. Now, in retrospect I see the way in which it deepened my being immeasurably.”

~Ram Dass
Thanksgiving means many things to many people. For many, it is a time to gather with loved ones, break bread together and connect. And while there is much to be thankful for on Thanksgiving, holidays can also bring up memories of sore spots, missed opportunities, and old hurts.

Is there a way to marry these two versions of the same holiday? To appreciate where you’ve come from, even (and especially) the painful parts as gifts to be grateful for, while still feeling grateful, heart-filled, and open to the blessings of future.

Each of you has traveled a long, winding road to get to where you are today, and with each hard time you have found your way through and come out on the other side of, you have gained strength.

Take a moment to look back at your life. Connect to your breath. Let your in breath linger slower and longer. Feel it fill and support you. Breathe out, and let your out breath empty you of any stress or fear. Continue to breathe and think of a time in the past that you faced a difficulty. Let yourself connect to the feelings that the memory brings, continuing to breathe in and out allowing the in breath to support you and the out breath to dispel any residual fear and stress. Now let your mind slide to the other side of that experience, once a resolution had been found and you found a peace within yourself again. While you breathe let your mind bubble with the feeling of relief. Let it carry with it remembrances of any deeper self-awarenesses or understandings that the resolution brought with it. What gifts or lessons, deeper strengths, clarity, and abilities did it teach you?

The lessons we have learned along the way have shaped the people we are now.  There is a gift in everything and everyone that comes into our lives.

So this year, when you gather with friends and loved ones, take a moment to look around you and remember that you are supported and you are loved. Remember that the experiences you go through, and any difficulties you may be facing right now carry gifts and add meaning. Allow yourself the opportunity to bask in the connectedness of those around you and to feel the support of the universe.

Gratitude comes in many packages. Remember to give thanks for all that life offers. Let it guide you to gratitude and then to love, kindness and caring. And then remember to pay it forward.

Wishing you love, light, and connection on Thanksgiving and always.

10 Habits of Successful Relationships

Free Talk @
The Port St Lucie
Nutrition Smart

9/20/17 at 6:30 PM

Did you know:
Good communication is the key to a healthy relationship, but most of us weren’t given relationship 101 skills in school.

So often in my practice, I see people falling back on old unproductive behaviors then wondering why they don’t get what they really want or need from their relationships. Often it just takes a little attention and a few tweaks to what they’re already doing to get very different results.

Imagine what it would feel like to create the relationship you desire.

Join me for this free talk. And learn, how to turn these key skills into consistent relationship habits.

Give your relationship every opportunity for success and everlasting love.


Hope to see you then!
~ Rev Carol

Don’t Let “The Shoulds” Keep You Down

Here’s a video perfect for after the holidays, or any time of year really.

It is so easy to get wrapped up in that we think we should do. Our inner dialog can make us feel heavy and bombarded, if we let it.


You’d be surprised at how your inner dialog can motivate and inspire you. Check out some tips on paying attention to what you say.

What’s Your Theme for 2017!

After a week of delightful family visits, great (read that as ‘heavy’) delicious holiday meals and almost no exercise my tired body yearned to do some stretching today. It would have been too easy to say… “Oh, no, I’m too tired/stiff/sore/busy cleaning up after…”( just fill in your go to excuse). But I made a commitment to myself to listen to my highest wisdom and pay attention to the calls of this body. Soo now that I’ve finished about 20 minutes on the yoga mat I do feel better. Actually much better. Not as groggy or hazy, and more alert, breathing better. My body feels lighter and my eyes are open wider. Ahh, feeling more presence.

My question for you, my dear friends, this New Years Eve is:

What do you commit to doing for yourself in the New Year? How will you STRETCH yourself in 2017? It may be trying something new, fixing something old ( an existing relationship/ changing careers or refining an existing job/ checking on those parenting skills/ becoming healthier and happier).

The best commitments are the ones that go to the essence of what you desire to transform. Instead of saying I would like to lose 10 pounds it is actually more effective to affirm that, “I am healthier, leaner, and at my perfect weight.” There it is. Isn’t that what you really want? So, ask yourself, what is the feeling I want? What is the experience I’m looking for? Then listen to your wisdom and act on that!

Wishing you a Happy…Healthy…Joy Filled 2017!!!

Shared Challenges

It’s the day after Hurricane Matthew. Aside from a little cleanup all that’s left to remind us of Matthew is the occasional whooo of the wind coming from the last little bands of this weather system.

The Scooby Doo haunted house sound reminds me of the way our neighbors and even strangers have reached out to one another in the face of imminent danger. The conversations struck up in line at the grocers while stocking up on canned goods. The infinite patience people suddenly had while waiting in even longer lines for gas or water. One neighbor helping another put up hurricane shutters. We are an independent sort yet the challenges we share catapult us over the walls of our social and religious differences, the details of our lives, our political opinions and affiliations and into the realm of the heart were we experience deep caring and concern for one another.

As human beings we all want the same things for ourselves and our loved ones, safety, happiness…we share the same processes of securing these things. In the case of a possible hurricane we all had the same set of preparations to walk through; shoring up our homes, stocking up on food , batteries, flashlights, water…deciding whether to leave or stay, worrying about loved ones. Our nerves tingled with the same nervous anticipation. Up front and center were our shared concerns.

Standing in those lines we saw each other’s heart’s .
Isn’t it true that all of our challenges are shared challenges?
We will all go through the same experiences. Perhaps in different ways or at different times. Yet, In essence all of our challenges are shared challenges.

We continue to watch the weather station today as this hurricane makes it’s way up the coast, not out of idle curiosity but from a deep concern for our neighbors, those down the block, in our communities and those miles and miles up the road.
Let this remind us that we are not alone. Reach out – you do not need to go through this alone. (whatever ‘this’ might be in your life right now.) There are those who care.

Mental Housekeeping to Reduce Stress

We all go through periods of time when we feel overwhelmed and have trouble focusing on what to do in our lives. When you finish this exercise you will likely have a lot more energy and feel more focused, less stress and more alive.

  1. Do a Mental “Mind Dump” onto Paper

Have a notebook or a stack of paper on hand. Create a list of everything you’ve been holding in your mind. This includes your mental ‘to do’ list, your dreams of the things you’d like to do, become, experience, or acquire ( Yes, from your earliest memories)

Do you want to travel, learn to dance, etc. )

What would you like to change in your life? Would you like to find your soulmate; Up the level of romance in your relationship; Find ways to create harmony and communication within your family?

  1. Sort Through Your List

Now go through your list and sort your items into the 3 following categories.

  • To Do: Things you absolutely plan to take steps towards in the next 6 months.

( Transfer them to your official TO DO LIST, and mark the top 10 on which you plan to take action. Give each a starting date.

  • Someday or Maybe: These are the things you would like to do sometime in the future. Use these to start your ‘Someday/Wish List for future reference.
  • Accomplished or Dropped: These are the things you consider to be complete or resolved enough to drop. As you review you may decide that there are things that are no longer desirable anymore. Cross these off your list and consider them ‘done’.

When you are done, shred or bur your original list as a way of releasing those old things that you no longer choose to hold in your mind. (A ritual of release is always meaningful) . This exercise frees up a great deal of mental energy that you were using to hold onto your mental “to do’s”- energy that will now be available to you for your new direction.

Spring Blossoms and Love Blooms

The days are getting longer. Sunlight is pushing away the long dark days of winter. It is the time of the Vernal Equinox when night and day are nearly the same length and corresponds to the center of the Sun crossing the celestial equator moving northward.

The time is one of balance between night and day, light and dark.

It’s also the perfect time to consider what goals or wishes you would like to achieve over the next year. The time is right for spring planting; manifesting, achieving new or uncompleted goals, wishes and desires. It is a time for all that is new and possible.

Of course, just as we get the scent of fresh earth and spring flowers, we pick up the scent of love in the air, inviting us to follow it with our hearts. This is the perfect time for love relationships; to renew, rekindle or magnetize the one our heart desires.

Happy Planting. May your best loves and lives flourish!

Why Me? Breast Cancer Awareness Month talk with the Tea Time Talk group

Why Me?

Saturday, October 10, 2015
1 – 3 PM
free event

UNO Borsa
257 SW Monterrey Rd, Stuart, Florida 34994

I’m honored to have been asked to speak on this very important topic for ‪‎Breast Cancer Awareness Month‬.
Why Me? Is usually the first question we all ask when faced with a difficult life event. But Why Me? can open us up to our inner resources, strength and insight. Join me to learn about the blessings that come in these difficult times.

To sign up visit, Tea Time Talk’s Meetup Page:

Or Facebook event page:


Remembering Wayne Dyer


It’s taken me almost a week to come to terms with the passing of Wayne Dyer, one of the early voices and one of the most consistent and persistent guides on our journey to personal wholeness and spiritual understanding.


In an interview with Oprah in 2011 he spoke about being open to the things we know little about, how anything is possible, we only have to remember that anything is possible.

He taught me some new ideas, put into words insights I could not yet articulate and confirmed what I knew in a language that I could understand.

In an interview for Spirituality and Health magazine he said; “Inspiration is when an idea gets a hold of you, and it takes you where you were intended to go, from the first moment of your conception and all of infinity.”

When I gave my practice the name, ‘The Inspired Living Center,’ it was with the intention of focusing our attention on the eternal wellspring that guides and supplies us.We are all internally guided, sourced, fed, and instructed by a deeper presence.It is that voice which will take us to where we are supposed to go, supply us with what we need for what we are here to do, love us completely and exuberantly and open our hearts so that we might shine the light of that love to others with our words, loving thoughts and caring behaviors.

All we need do is ‘listen’.

Wayne was prolific and in this same interview he expressed to Oprah that he knew he had much to do and say, and that it was important he get it out, now. He was focused on sharing what he knew with us. The words from this great soul will live on with us for eternity

Here are some more of his best quotes:

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

“How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.”

“When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.”

“Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.”

“Conflict cannot survive without your participation.”

“You cannot be lonely if you like the person you’re alone with.”

“The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don’t know anything about.”

“When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It’s to enjoy each step along the way.”

“Doing what you love is the cornerstone of having abundance in your life.”

“Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into.”

Thank you for listening.